St. Vincent Accepts Role As 2017 Record Store Day Ambassador With Hilarious Video


Written by Sam Murphy on February 11, 2017

St. Vincent has been announced as the ambassador for Record Store Day 2017.

2017 will mark the 10th Anniversary of the day and it will also mark the first time a woman has been ambassador.

Previous ambassadors include Jack White, Metallica and Dave Grohl and while they’re all great, it’s about time they enlisted some girl power.

St. Vincent announced the news with a comical Funny Or Die video in which her manager tells her she’s the ambassador for Recorstorda, a small island in Northern Russian.

Unbelievably, she takes the role because she’s told it will boost her streaming numbers, before finding out that the manager made a typo.

Still, St. Vincent rocks the Russian ambassador outfit so well, we wouldn’t be surprised if she got a call from Putin offering her the role.

Record Store Day co-founder Carrie Colliton is excited to have her on board saying, “Being the Ambassador of Record Store Day is meant to be fun and a little silly, and I think it’s fantastic that we’re celebrating this year with a woman who can be both those things while being a respected musician and record store regular as well. It’s a damn good fit.”

Record Store Day is on 22nd April, giving music fans a chance to celebrate their local record store and pick up some exclusive releases.


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