W.F. Bach, Sonata in C minor for Viola and Harpsichord

Netanel Pollak- viola
Natalie Rotenberg- harpsichord

Recorded at the Eden-Tamir Music Center, Jerusalem

Video and sound: Tom Zylbersztein

Adagio e Mesto – 0:18
Allegro non troppo – 04:46
Allegro Scherzando – 12:26

Very little is known about this piece, even the composer’s identity is doubtful. It is, however, a lovely late-Baroque sonata, full of emotions, drama, and surprises.

Here is some information from Music4Viola.info – a great website for violists who want to enrich their repertoire:

«The authorship of the Sonata in C minor is controversial. It is handed down in two contemporary transcripts: An anonymous score copy is part of a collection manuscript with trio sonatas by Carl Philipp Emanuel and Wilhelm Friedemann Bach in the Library of Congress, Washington (Signature: M412 .A2 B15). In addition, there is a copy of the vote in the Berlin State Library, which is ranked Johann Gottlieb Graun (signature: Mus.ms. 8295/2). Unaware of the Washington source, the sonata was recorded in the Graun catalog raisonné under Av: XV: 20. Two earlier editions (Oxford University Press 1947 and Sikorski 1962) considered each of the two sources and their respective assignments. Using both sources, Richard Gwilt submitted a critical edition in 2008, in which he attributed the assignment to WF Bach based on the lore of the Washington source and stylistic features established. This assignment was criticized by David Schulenberg. He considers JG Graun to be the author of the sonata (see David Schulenberg, «An Enigmatic Legacy: Two Instrumental Works Attributed to Wilhelm Friedemann Bach,» in:Bach. Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute , Vol. 41/2, Berea [Ohio] 2010, pp. 24-60, esp. P. 54 f.). »


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