Three Michael Jackson Fan Groups Are Suing ‘Leaving Neverland’ Accusers For Defamation


Written by Laura English on July 5, 2019

Three French Michael Jackson fan groups are suing two accusers from the ‘Leaving Neverland’ HBO doco for defamation according to Reuters.

The Michael Jackson Community, MJ Street, and On the Line are reportedly accusing alleged abuse victims, Wade Robinson and James Safechuck of defamation. The groups will allege that the pair are “sullying his image” by being involved in the documentary.

The case relating to the late artist is taking place in France. This is because French defamation laws apparently still apply to individuals even after their deaths — this law isn’t recognised within the United States or the United Kingdom. The three Michael Jackson fan groups will seek “symbolic damages” of one euro or $1.16 AUD each.

The three groups enlisted the help of attorney, Emmanuel Ludot — who has successfully represented The Michael Jackson Community before, winning them one euro in damages for a lawsuit again MJ’s private doctor for his part in Jackon’s death.

Co-executor of Michael Jackson’s estate, John Branca said in a statement that he hopes the group’s legal efforts pay off and a victory will “fuel a movement in the United States”.

“The Estate is in full support of Mr. Ludot’s efforts on behalf of Michael and his beloved fans in France and across the globe that the truth shall ultimately prevail.

“We remain hopeful that a victory in France will soon fuel a movement in the United States to finally explore changes in the law to afford defamation protection for the deceased.”

A judgement will be delivered on Friday, 4th October.


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