Pussy Riot Members Jailed Over World Cup Protest


Written by Tom Williams on July 17, 2018

Four members of Russian punk collective Pussy Riot have been jailed after they staged an on-field protest during the Word Cup final in Moscow earlier this week.

The four protestors — Veronica “Nika” Nikulshina, Olga Kuracheva, Olga Pakhtusova and Petya Verzilov — have been sentenced to “15 days in Russian jail” and are banned from attending sports events for three years, a representative for the group confirmed to Pitchfork.

Pussy Riot claimed responsibility for the protest after the four protestors (who were dressed in police uniforms) rushed the field during the Croatia vs. France clash.

Following the protest, Pussy Riot took to social media to claim responsibility and share a list of demands for the Russian government, including freeing political prisoners, allowing “political competition” in the country and ending “illegal arrests at protests”.

Read the group’s latest tweets about their jail sentences, below.

France beat Croatia to claim the 2018 World Cup Final with a score of 4-2.


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