Claudio Monteverdi’s Deus Domine

Live performance by The Green Mountain Project on January 3, 2013 at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, New York City.

TENET’s Green Mountain Project
Jolle Greenleaf, artistic director
Scott Metcalfe, music director

Jolle Greenleaf and Molly Quinn, sopranos
Luthien Brackett and Virginia Warnken, altos
Matthew Anderson, Jason McStoots, Aaron Sheehan, Sumner Thompson, and Zachary Wilder, tenors
Jesse Blumberg and Mischa Bouvier, baritones
Steven Hrycelak, Thomas McCargar, and Kurt-Owen Richards, basses

Julie Andrijeski and Scott Metcalfe, violins
Dongmyung Ahn and Daniel Elyar, violas
Emily Walhout, bass violin
Anne Trout, violone
Alexandra Opsahl and Kiri Tollaksen, cornetti
Greg Ingles, Mack Ramsey, and Erik Schmalz, sackbuts
Hank Heijink and Daniel Swenberg, theorbos
Avi Stein, chamber organ

The Green Mountain Project (honoring the literal translation of Monteverdi’s name) is an annual event that began in NYC in 2010 under the musical direction of Scott Metcalfe and artistic direction of Jolle Greenleaf. Vespers is made up of antiphons, psalms, motets, a hymn and canticle that Monteverdi shaped into Claudio Monteverdi’s beloved Vespers of 1610.

Each year, we offer performances with up to 30 musicians of this masterpiece and other recreated Vespers in the glorious acoustics of Church of St. Mary the Virgin in New York and Cambridge’s magnificent St. Paul’s Church. To learn more or purchase CD’s, visit

TENET is one of New York’s preeminent vocal ensembles. Under artistic director Jolle Greenleaf, TENET is winning acclaim for its innovative programming, virtuosic singing and command of repertoire that spans the Middle Ages to the present. TENET features distinguished soloists who shine in one-voice-to- a-part singing and as joined voices in small ensembles.

Audio by Tom Durack
Video by NV Recording Studios
Editing by John Stone

Deus in adjutorium meum intende.
Domine ad adjuvandum me festina.
Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto: sicut erat
in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in secula
seculorum. Amen.

O God, make speed to save me.
O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and forever
shall be, world without end. Amen.

See the whole concert program at

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