In case you’re living under a very large rock, President Trump is continuing the US Government shut down over the wall he wants to build between America and Mexico, and Cardi B is really pissed about it.
She is so pissed about the fact that government workers are being forced to go back to work without being paid (rightly so), that she took to Instagram to take down Trump in a mega-rant, and now that rant has been remixed into an absolute bop.
The Gregory Brothers took clips of Cardi’s rant, remixed it and set it to the beat of Cardi’s breakout hit ‘Bodak Yellow’ and it is truly a masterpiece. It is now titled ‘Yeah Bitch/Nah Bitch’.
On top of that, several Democratic senators publicly debated on Twitter whether they should share Cardi’s original rant.
Cardi 2020, anyone?
View the remix below.
so excited for our first co-write with @iamcardib, Yeah Bitch / Nah Bitch
🔊🔊🙏 pic.twitter.com/CoCV7hQPHa— The Gregory Brothers (@gregorybrothers) January 17, 2019
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