Cardi B Is Trying To Trademark «Okurrrr!» Because It’s 2019


Written by Jackson Langford on March 23, 2019

You know, maybe three or four years ago this headline would’ve been surprising, perhaps even shocking. But now, in 2019 where nothing is sacred and whatever divine powers there are have already forsaken us, this is just run of the mill.

Cardi B has applied to trademark one of her many, many catchphrases “Okurrrr!” If you’ve watched literally any interview with the rapper, you know what we’re talking about.

In a pretty major money move, the application for the trademark was made by her company, Washpoppin, and, were it successful, the slogan could be put on merchandise like shirts, hoodies and paper goods.

It’s been a big year for Cardi so far. After her massive 2018 with the release of her debut album Invasion of Privacy, she kicked off the year with her first Australian performances, and then went on to win a Grammy award for ‘Best Rap Album’.

Enjoy a video of Cardi explaining the phrase “okurrr!” below.


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