12 Variations on ‘Follies of Spain’, H 263 Piano version (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)

12 Variations über die Folie d’Espagne, H.263 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)
Find the sheet music here: http://imslp.org/wiki/12_Variations_%C3%BCber_die_Folie_d’Espagne,_H.263_(Bach,_Carl_Philipp_Emanuel)

Welcome to Icy Violin, this channel is focused on classical music, mainly music from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and Romantic Eras.

Frequently asked questions:

Q: Where do you find your sheet music?
A: Most of the music can be found on either imslp.org or musopen.org

Q: Can I request a piece?
A: Yes! I will try to upload a video of any piece that is requested, given that it is both within my ability and in the public domain.

Q: Why did you start this channel?
A: I was introduced to classical music by my countless music teachers, each of whom allowed me to further appreciate classical music. When many of my friends told me that they had trouble finding free high quality recordings online, I decided to create «Icy Violin» as a database of the best public domain recordings that I have come across.

Q: What does «Icy Violin» mean?
A: This goes along with why I started the channel. My friends were unable to find what they wanted, even though I see («icy») great recordings all the time. Since I played violin and «Icy Music» seemed to have been used by many people already, I chose «Icy Violin».

Q: How can I support this channel?
A: You don’t have to do anything, I’m happy with you just watching my videos! However, I would greatly appreciate it if you liked and shared content that you like and subscribe for more!

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