With Confidence Share Update On Their Future


Written by Sam Murphy on December 17, 2017

Sydney band With Confidence have given an update on their future after both guitarist Luke ‘Rockets’ Thomas and frontman Jayden Seeley were accused of sexual misconduct with a minor.

With Confidence have already been removed from the UNIFY Gathering 2018 lineup but now they’ve officially announced that they’re, “taking time off.”

The band took to social media to address the situation apologising, “that it has taken a few weeks.”

“We have put all touring on hold and postponed the recording of our second album,” they wrote.

“We will instead be spending time at home with our families to personally process everything that has occurred. We need to and want to be a band that deals with their past, present, and future responsibly.”

At this point it doesn’t sound like the band are calling it quits completely as they talked about their return in the post.

“We will do everything we can to contribute to making music a safe and positive place for all upon our return,” they wrote.

Each member of the band also posted personal statements, apart from Thomas who is no longer in the band. Seeley said he was, “truly sorry,” for what he did in his, “young age” and “immaturity”.

Check out all the statements below.


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