Spotify Cops Backlash For Promoting XXXTentacion’s Music Following His Death


Written by Jackson Langford on June 20, 2018

Following XXXTentacion‘s passing yesterday, Spotify are copping some backlash for promoting his music via a playlist titled ‘THIS IS XXXTENTACION’ with the caption, ‘Rest in peace, XXXTentacion.’

The move by Spotify is alarming since, just weeks ago, the band has completely stripped the rapper’s music from all of their playlists as part of their ‘hateful content’ policy, given XXX’s multiple allegations of assault and homophobia against him. The policy also affected R. Kelly. Kendrick Lamar even threatened to remove his music from the platform over the controversial policy.

Although Spotify did eventually backtrack on the policy, Twitter is generally seeing this as a tasteless cash grab – and that’s from both the rapper’s fans and his critics.

As of right now, the playlist is still up and Spotify have yet to comment on the backlash. Meanwhile, the music world continues to give mixed reactions to the rapper’s passing, who died of gunshot wounds at age 20.


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