Paramore Play Retro Breakfast TV Hosts In The Music Video For ‘Rose-Colored Boy’


Written by Sam Murphy on February 6, 2018

Paramore have channelled their inner-television hosts in a retro clip for After Laughter track ‘Rose-Colored Boy’.

The trio lead a morning television show, turning it on for the cameras but then wearing full frowns when they are switched off. While the fashion is there, they don’t quite reach an Anchorman level of ridiculousness.

It’s one of their more adventurous clips with all three of them putting on a convincing character.

This is the fourth video to come from their most recent album After Laughter which has seen them deliver a more pop-leaning sound.

The band are set to kick off their Australian tour in Sydney this Friday night, marking their first show here since 2014.

You can check out the tour dates here and watch the new video below.


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