Oli Sykes Says Bring Me The Horizon Are Keen To «Break Into The Mainstream» With Their Next Album


Written by Music Feeds on March 12, 2018

Sorry Bring Me The Horizon purists, but it doesn’t look like the band will be returning to their metalcore roots any time soon.

As you’re no doubt aware, the Sheffield fivesome’s most recent album That’s The Spirit represented their most dramatic sonic shift yet, and it seems like its follow-up is shaping up to be even more “mainstream”.

“I don’t think any Bring Me The Horizon fan is going to be surprised at this next album sounding different to the last one,” frontman Oli Sykes tells Kerrang.

“I kind of know where I want to go, but it’s also falling into place as we write the thing,” he continues. “We want it to be different and we want to push forward.”

But by “different”, he doesn’t mean heavier.

“We like the idea of breaking into the mainstream. We’re not ashamed of that, we don’t see it as selling out,” Sykes says. “We see it as a great challenge, to make music that can be adored by more people but still retain who we are. That is the goal.”

Sykes goes on to reveal that BMTH currently have about 30 song ideas “in various stages of non-completion”, citing duo Twenty One Pilots as a band whose approach to songwriting they admire.

“[They’re] popular and accessible, but without compromising their integrity or who they are. That’s a real challenge now,” he says.

It comes after the lads previously expressed an intention to go “weirder” and “dancier” on album six.

Well, no matter what the new shit sounds like, hopefully we don’t have to wait too long to hear it.

While Sykes wasn’t able to dish an exact timeline for BMTH’s next LP, he says they hope to release a new tune by the end of the year.

Bring it on boys.

Gallery: Bring Me The Horizon, Architects – Hordern Pavilion, Sydney 2016 / Photos: Annette Geneva


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