Magda Szubanski Has Brought Back Sharon For An Iso Dance With Healthcare Workers


Written by Alex Gallagher on April 13, 2020

Confirmed national treasure Magda Szubanski has given a noice, different, unuuusual shout-out to healthcare workers in Australia battling the coronavirus. It comes in the form of a new video that sees her singing a COVID-themed take on synth-pop legends Soft Cell’s ‘Tainted Love’ while boogieing along, backed up by members of hospitals around Australia.

The video features Mags dusting off the netball garb, appearing as her beloved Kath & Kim character Sharon Strzelecki for the video, posted to her Instagram account earlier today. She’s joined – separately – by members of Footscray Hospital, Prahran East Medical Centre, Ambulance Victoria, and Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, who contribute their own individually filmed dances alongside Szubanski.

“Noice, strong, courageous,” wrote Szubanski on Instagram. “A special Sharon shout out to all our healthcare workers, on the frontline and behind the scenes – To paraphrase Sir Elton John: I know it’s not much, but it’s the best I can do. My gift is my dance and… this one’s for you.”

It’s a pretty heartwarming video from Szubanski, at a time when healthcare services in Australia are being stretched due to the ongoing pandemic. It’s nothing else, it’s a welcome distraction. Szubanski has encouraged healthcare workers to send in clips of them dancing and they’ll be added in.

Watch the clip, via Szubanski’s Instagram account, below.


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