Lully: LWV 77/2. Ave cœli – Lesne, Fouchécourt, Fauché (Christie)

Playlist (Petits Motets):

Ave cœli munus supernum, LWV 77/2

Petit motet for three voices and basso continuo

Text: Anonymous

Music: Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687)

Petite haute-contre I: Gérard Lesne, countertenor
Petite haute-contre II: Jean-Paul Fouchécourt, tenor
Basse: François Fauché, bass

Les Arts Florissants,
conducted by William Christie

Éric Bellocq, theorbo
Élisabeth Matiffa, bass viol
William Christie, organ

Recorded in October 1987

Pitch: A = 415 Hz

The score featured in this video is from the manuscript ‘Mottets a 3 voix / Et symphonies / de feu Mr. de Lully / Tome second’ (atelier Philidor, circa 1703-6, Bibliothèque nationale de France).

In this manuscript, the first bar on the page that can be seen at 2:40 mistakenly repeated the last bar of the previous page; we have edited it out.

Eser and Marc D.

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