Kanye West Shares A ‘Ye’ Album Cover Generator & The Internet Has Gone Wild


Written by Jackson Langford on June 3, 2018

Is nothing sacred anymore?

Because the man is allergic to discreetness and subtlety, Kanye West has shared a fan-created generator that allows users to spoof the artwork of West’s eighth studio album, Ye, which dropped on Friday.

The original text reads “I hate being Bi-Polar its awesome” referencing West’s experiences with living with bi-polar disorder. It’s over a photo that Kim Kardashian said Kanye took on the way to the listening party for the album – the same day it was released.

Naturally, the internet – also allergic to discreetness and subtlety – have jumped on this like a dog to a bone, and the results are admittedly fantastic.

Ye is out now.


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