Jimmy Barnes’ Son Asks Jimmy Fallon To Apologise For Dissing Song


Written by Sam Murphy on November 16, 2017

Jimmy Barnes‘ son David Campbell has jumped to his Dad’s defence after Jimmy Fallon dissed his collaborative song ‘Big Enough’ with Kirin J. Callinan on The Tonight Show.

“I just wanted to clear up that scream was my old man,” Campbell said, addressing Fallon on Today Extra.

“His name is Jimmy Barnes. He’s a national icon. I mean, you may as well have gone after the Sydney Harbour Bridge or lamingtons or Ferry McFerryface.”

He went on to say that, “Three quarters of the total population of Brisbane,” have been produced due to lovemaking soundtracked by Barnes’ scream.

He also reckon that Fallon owes his Dad, “a heartfelt apology,” for the remarks.

“And before you think that you’re better than us here in Australia, let me remind you, we didn’t elect a Trump,” he concluded.

Barnes himself was proud of his Son for speaking out about it, writing on Twitter, “That’s my son.”

Fallon poked fun at ‘Big Enough’ during his ‘Do Not Play’ segment which sees him highlight particularly bad songs.

Both Callinan and Barnes have responded to the segment. Callinan told Fallon to, “show some dog gamn respect,” and Barnes sided with him writing on Twitter, “I’m with you Kirin.”

This is what the Aussie spirit is all about. Teaming up on a late night television host when he criticises your country/EDM banger.

Watch Campbell’s defence of his Dad below. Take that Jimmy.


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