Here’s What Music Surgeons Are Listening To In The Operating Room


Written by Zanda Wilson on August 8, 2017

If you’ve ever wondered what surgeons are listening to while you’re going under the knife, all has now been revealed, because Spotify have released figures on the types of music commonly listened to during in the operating room.

As Gizmodo reports, the performance of surgeons is significantly increased when they are listening to music, and now it’s been revealed that while they’re digging around inside us these medical professionals are mostly listening to rock music.

90% of all surgeons listen to music while they’re performing surgery, and the rise of streaming is reflected in the fact that 89% of those prefer playlists rather than albums.

According to Spotify 49% of surgeons listen to rock in the theatre, with pop music the second most at 48%. Classical music is listened to by 43% of surgeons, followed by jazz at 24% and R&B at 21%.

According to several doctors surveyed, listening to music in the operating room is calming, breaks tension and helps improve focus. “It calms the nerves and improves staff moral,” said one surgeon.

“At times it keeps the room mellow and coordinated, and at other times it keeps the pace up,” said another.

The surgeons interviewed did stress that the music is turned down during critical points in the operation, with safety remaining paramount.

Check out Spotify’s new ‘Surgeons Soundtrack’ below.


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