Corey Taylor Says Slipknot Are Considering Turning Knotfest Into A Touring Festival


Written by Emmy Mack on September 22, 2018

Between Download, Good Things and UNIFY Gathering, it’s safe to say that the once barren heavy music festival scene in Australia is thriving once again (well, the East Coast at least). But it sounds like there’s a decent chance we could end up adding Knotfest to that epic list!

Corey Taylor has shared Slipknot‘s plans for expanding their branded monster metal fest (which spawned in the bowls of their hometown of Iowa) into an international touring event.

“It’s definitely something we’re thinking about, and it’s one of the reasons why we built it the way we have,” the head maggot master tells Hatebreed’s Jamey Jasta in his The Jasta Show podcast.

“For us, it was about the foundation of the brand itself, just making sure that this was something that we could continue to build up. You don’t want to go from zero to a million.”

CT says the masked ones are “definitely” thinking about bringing the event to certain spots in America, but they’re not feeling pressured to make it an annual event in any one specific location.

“It doesn’t have to be a yearly thing,” he continues. “Do it one country one year, do it in a couple other countries the next year. It doesn’t have to be something like that so you’re constantly, constantly stabilising your brand and making money and doing something cool. You’re also creating supply and demand.”

It comes after custom percussionist and hypeman Shawn ‘Clown’ Crahan told Music Feeds back in 2016 that The Nine are pretty keen to bring Knotfest to Australia at some point soon.

“I’m pretty positive we will,” he said at the time. “It’s a small thing, the world needs to know that [Knotfest is] a destination spot. We don’t want to just take it out on the road, we won’t want to make a proper tour of it right now.”

Well, from Corey’s latest update, it seems like that mentality has definitely shifted over the past two years!

Listen to CT’s chat with Jasta below, and ICYMI you can catch Corey performing live with his other band Stone Sour at the new Good Things Festival, which hits Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane this December.

RELATED: Good Things & Bad Things: Corey Taylor Hypes Stone Sour’s Aussie Return & Slams America’s “Orange Elephant” Trump



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