As I Lay Dying Are Teasing Their Comeback… But Is Tim Lambesis Still In The Band?


Written by Emmy Mack on June 5, 2018

As I Lay Dying have teased their first snippet of new music in six years.

The Californian metalcore crew have been MIA since their frontman Tim Lambesis was convicted of hiring a hitman to kill his wife… but now, they’re gearing up for a comeback, and Lambesis’ status in the group remains shrouded in mystery.

The singer is of course back out on the street after completing his jail sentence last year, but the band’s new teaser clip — which has been splashed across all of their social channels — doesn’t show him; just a disembodied hand reaching for a microphone before cutting to black.

AILD have also purged their Facebook page of all previous photos, leaving only the new teasers, suggesting a new beginning for the group.

It’s definitely got fans speculating, and just generally venting some strong opinions about the impending comeback:

Watch the teaser below and see what you reckon for yourself.


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