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Watch WWE Superstar Kane Walk Out To His Iconic Entrance Theme After Winning US Mayoral Election


Written by Emmy Mack on August 4, 2018

Because 2018, WWE superstar Kane has just been elected Mayor of Knox County in the US state of Tennessee.

And in the most alpha of moves, the former WWE world heavyweight champion walked out to deliver his victory speech to the tune of one of his iconic ringside entrance themes, Finger Eleven’s ‘Slow Chemical’.

“I miss the mask,” quipped the fellow crusty Republican introducing him to the podium.

The Demon defeated his Democratic opponent Linda Haney in a 2-1 ~smackdown~ and will be sworn in on September 1st.

Luckily, his on-screen brother The Undertaker wasn’t on hand during the victory speech to hit him with a Tombstone.

Watch it all go down in the video below.

Kane comes out to Slow Chemical for his victory speech. from r/SquaredCircle


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